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Your Guide to Potato Nutrition

Potatoes are nutrient-dense vegetables that provide the energy, potassium, and vitamin C you need to fuel you.

We need to eat carbohydrates every day because they are important for optimal physical and mental performance. But, not all carbs are created equal.

Potatoes are more energy-packed than any other popular vegetable.

Potatoes are also fat-free, gluten-free, plant-based, affordable, and a quality carbohydrate. They are cholesterol-free and sodium-free, with only 110 calories per 5.3oz serving. By choosing potatoes, consumers can take simple steps toward eating healthier across every stage of life.

Potato Nutrition Highlights

An excellent source of vitamin C

A medium 5.3 oz skin on potato has 27 mg of vitamin C per serving. Potatoes are considered to be an excellent source of this antioxidant. Vitamin C aids in collagen production—a major component of muscle tissue— and supports iron absorption.

A good source of potassium (more than a banana!)

A medium 5.3 oz skin on potato has 620 mg of potassium per serving, which is more than a medium-sized banana (422 mg per serving). Potassium is an electrolyte essential for muscle functioning. Potassium is lost in sweat, so it needs to be replenished for optimal performance.

A good source of vitamin B6

A medium 5.3 oz skin on potato has 0.2 mg of vitamin B6 per serving, which is 10% of the daily value and considered to be a good source. Vitamin B6 plays important roles in carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

Potatoes are nutrient-dense complex carbohydrates

A medium 5.3 oz potato with skin-on provides 26 grams of carbohydrates, or 9% of the daily value per serving. Carbohydrates are important for optimal physical and mental performance.

Potatoes are a source of quality protein

A 5.3 oz potato has 3 grams of plant-based protein. Protein is a key component of almost every cell and tissue in the body.

Potatoes contain fiber

A 5.3 oz skin-on potato has 2 grams of fiber. Dietary fiber has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including regulating blood glucose and increasing satiety.

Potatoes are fat-, sodium- and cholesterol-free

Potatoes are only 110 calories per serving

View Nutrition Label

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are potatoes good for you?

Yes, potatoes are naturally fat-free, cholesterol-free, and sodium-free. In addition, potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, and a good source of potassium. Foods that are good sources of potassium and sodium-free, such as potatoes, may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Are all types of potatoes equally nutritious?

All varieties of potatoes are nutritious, and while nutrients may vary slightly depending on the variety, the differences are minimal.

View Nutrient Content PDF.

Are there differences in nutrient content between fresh, frozen, and instant (dehydrated) potatoes?

Processed potatoes deliver the same nutrients as fresh potatoes (such as potassium, vitamin C, and fiber), but the amounts will vary depending on the form. Click here to find out more about the nutrient content in potato forms.

Are potatoes fattening?

Potatoes are naturally fat-free.

View Potatoes and Weight Loss Fact Check PDF.

Are potatoes high in carbs?

Potatoes are a carbohydrate-rich vegetable. A medium, 5.3-ounce potato with the skin-on contains 26 grams of carbohydrate.

View Carbohydrate Fact Check PDF. 

If I am trying to lose weight, do I need to avoid potatoes?

Research demonstrates that people can eat potatoes and still lose weight. There is no evidence that potatoes when prepared in a healthful manner, impede weight loss.

How do white potatoes and sweet potatoes compare when it comes to their nutrition?

Both sweet and white potatoes provide an excellent source of vitamin C, are good sources of potassium and B6, and provide similar amounts of protein (2g and 3g respectively). Click here to see the nutrition comparison of White Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes.

View White vs. Sweet Fact Check PDF. 

Are fries healthy?

Just like other forms of white potatoes, fries deliver essential nutrients that many Americans don’t get enough of each day, particularly, potassium and vitamin C.

View Fried Potatoes Fact Sheet PDF. 

Are potato chips highly processed?

Potato chips are minimally processed and typically made with three ingredients found in the most homes – potatoes, vegetable oil and salt.

Do potatoes have a high glycemic index (GI)?

The GI of potatoes is highly variable and depends on various factors, including the potato type, origin, processing, and preparation.

View Glycemic Index Fact Sheet PDF. 

Should people with diabetes avoid foods like potatoes?

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), starchy vegetables such as potatoes can be included in the diet of a person with diabetes. The total amount of carbohydrate consumed at any given meal or snack is what is most important.

Can you eat potatoes if you’re trying to lose weight?

You can include potatoes as part of a weight loss program. It’s calories that count, not eliminating certain foods. Among a study of participants, those who ate potatoes as part of a calorie reduced eating plan still lost weight.

Are all the nutrients in the skin of the potato?

No. The notion that all the nutrients are in the skin is a myth. While the skin does contain approximately half of the total dietary fiber, most (> 50%) of the nutrients are found within the potato itself.

View Skin vs. Flesh Fact Sheet PDF.